Formação executiva

Executive Training


Plant-based Cuisine and Confectionary

Plant-based Cuisine and Confectionary

In view of the new trends in plant-based gastronomy, the demand for this type of food has been increasing and today we know that an exclusively plant-based diet, when well planned, can meet all the nutritional needs of a human being and adapted to all stages of the life cycle. What differentiates this type of cuisine from other alternatives, within traditional cuisine, are the strong motivations associated with it, namely health, environment and ethics. It is easily observable that the market has been innovating with new products and restaurants, as well as several chefs starting to invest in this area. 


  • Contribute to a training of excellence for new professionals and/or active professionals, in the area of plant-based cuisine and confectionary;
  • Provide trainees with a comprehensive acquisition of knowledge of plant-based nutrition and food;
  • Provide trainees with theoretical and technical knowledge about plant-based cuisine and/or confectionary;
  • Develop skills in adapting traditional recipes, applying theoretical notions of balance in composition;
  • Provide an approach to different food currents parallel to plant-based food;
  • Encourage the development of more sustainable food;
  • Promote the principles of inclusive cooking, helping it to become an internalised practice in major institutions.


  • Former students of Schools of Turismo de Portugal and other educational institutions
  • All those who would like to set up a business in the area of plant-based cuisine and confectionary or for personal enrichment.


  • Plant-based nutrition;
  • Sustainability and circular economy;
  • Basics of cooking and cooking methods;
  • Traditional Portuguese cuisine;
  • Asian and Mediterranean cuisine;
  • Fermentations;
  • Basics of Confectionary and Classic Confectionary;
  • Food Cost and Menu Management;
  • Hygiene and Food Safety.

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