
With the ambition of making Portugal the best destination for studying tourism, over the last few years the Turismo de Portugal network of schools has strengthened its internationalisation strategy, in a clear search for opportunities to enrich knowledge, experiences and learning in a sector that is made up of other cultures, geographies and traditions.

As a result, the Turismo de Portugal School Network currently offers a wide range of international experiences for students, trainers and employees, as well as special conditions for students not resident in the European Union.
I found in tourism schools the fundamental partner for the start of my startup

Francisco Lemos Laboratory of Flavours



Education and knowledge enriched by cultural and teaching diversity.

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and Mobility

International experiences for students and trainers in the Portuguese Tourism Schools Network.

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and Initiatives

The Portuguese Tourism Schools Network and its relationship with the world. Learn More.

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In the spotlight

Project ERASMUS+

Project ERASMUS+

The European adventure of the Turismo de Portugal Schools Network began more than ten years ago, when we sent the first group of students on month-long professional mobilities in various European countries.

We joined the ERASMUS+ programme because we believe in the need to build a truly continental identity with our European partners and because we consider these experiences to be a personal and professional asset for our students and trainers.

We currently have more than 20 students taking part in ERASMUS+ mobility programmes and, in November, we will be sending 12 trainers to similar schools to learn about the best academic practices there.

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Strategic partnerships are key to expanding resources and knowledge, driving the growth and innovation we aspire to.

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