

Citizens residing in the European Union (EU) Citizens non-residing in the European Union (EU)
Versão Português

special scheme for applicants not resident in the european union

Applications soon


The special scheme is exclusively for candidates who are not Portuguese nationals, who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union, or who are not residing in Portugal for more than two years without interruption.

Admission requirements

  • Holders of a qualification equivalent to Portuguese secondary education
  • Knowledge of the language in which the course is taught.

Application process

The application process for the Turismo de Portugal Schools will take place on an online platform and applicants must select 3 Course/School options in order of preference.


  • Up-to-date identity document
  • Portuguese secondary school certificate or legally equivalent foreign qualification in the country of origin (endorsed by the Portuguese consular service or presented with the Hague Apostille by the competent authority of the state from which the document originates).
  • Declaration, on honor, that the applicant meets the requirements for International Student status (draft declaration available here).

Selection Process

Once the application has been verified and paid for, an online interview will be scheduled at a date and time to be agreed between the candidate and the school. The admission and ranking of candidates will be based exclusively on the classification obtained at the interview.

Candidates placed in a position to be admitted to the school/course must enroll and pay for the course, after which a Letter of Acceptance will be issued. Under no circumstances the payment made for enrolment will be refunded.

Dates of the Application Process


Period: 18th January to 28th February 2025


Period: 3rd February to 7th March 2025

Admission of Candidates

Date: 14th March 2025


Period: 14th to 21st March 2025

Residence Visa for study

To study in Portugal, applicants should bear in mind that they need a residence visa for study, which can be obtained from the Portuguese Consulate in the applicant's country of origin. The visa must be submitted by 31 July 2025.

The visa application, the associated costs and the collection of the documents required by the consular services are the sole responsibility of the applicants.


Application: €150 | Enrolment: €150

Applications soon

More information for international students via e-mail: (for non-Portuguese speaking applicants)
or (for Portuguese speaking applicants).

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