Tourism Management

Technological Specialisation Courses - Access with the 12th Grade

Presentation Brochure
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The Technological Specialization Course in Tourism Management prepares students for technical and management functions for companies, travel agencies, and other organizations in the tourism sector.

Our mission is to train prospective tourism professionals, as well as those already working in the sector, to create tourism programs and experiences for tourists. Our guiding values are focused on ethics, sustainability, and innovation, and we apply specific technical and management knowledge, which contributes to the enhancement and qualification of the products.

The attendance of personal and creative development and artistic expression modules, as well as integrated management skills classes, based on innovative learning models, will allow students to acquire personal and socio-emotional skills (soft skills).

Reasons to take this course

Access to the best classrooms for technical and pedagogical training - with state-of-the-art equipment and a teaching staff with high technical, pedagogical and human qualifications.

It guarantees you a job in the best national and international tourism instutitions and companies.

Attend this course and access for free:

  • A Curriculum design adapted to a vast array of profiles and suitable for the new skills the sector needs
  • Commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation
  • This course has a unique emphasis on accessible tourism and sustainability
  • Strong knowledge in the area of tourism project management
  • Learning new tourism concepts and discovering new products such as experience tourism and luxury tourism
  • Specialization in strategic tourism products / optional classes in areas such as Golf, Surf, Cultural Touring and City Breaks, Gastronomy and Wine, Health and Wellness, Cruises, Luxury Tourism
  • Turismo de Portugal, I.P. boosts a strong relationship with the market/companies and public entities in the Tourism sector, enhanced with the curricular internships.
  • Merit Scholarships
  • International internships

Who can attend the course?

  • High-school diploma (or legal equivalent in Portugal) or Vocational qualification level 4 diploma (European Qualifications Framework)
  • Minimum B2 English level (Council of Europe standard), to be assessed through a written test
  • 2 Semesters + 1 curricular internship + Induction Programme (150h)
  • The Tourism Management Programme is a 1 year (full-time) course, consisting of two semesters, including a 3-month internship. Students have the opportunity to select top restaurants, hotel chains and resorts in Portugal and abroad to do their internship.
  • Induction Programme (150h) consists of a training beginner level programme aimed at students with no previous training or experience in the area. Therefore, qualified students can have their credentials recognized and get exemption of frequency of formative units.
  • Course fee €1,500€ (*) Payment of €150 x 10 monthly instalments
Induction Program
Tourism & Hospitality 20
Communication Skills & Storytelling 20
Travel Agencies and Customer Management 60
Global Distribution System 50
Total 150
1st Semester
Course Category Course Hours
Generic and Scientific English 25
Creativity and Personal Development 25
Intraperneurship 25
Total 75
Technological French Applied to Tourism Management 25
German/Spanish Applied to Tourism Management 25
Ethics and International Business Protocol 25
Information Technologies – Introduction to Management 25
Leadership 25
Accessible Tourism 25
Hygiene & Safety in Tourism 25
Trends and Innovation in Tourism 25
Tourism Geography 50
Online Distribution Systems 50
Tourism Entertainment Management 50
National Tourism Products 25
Tourism Projects Management – Conception and Planning 50
Total 425
1st Semester Total 500
2nd Semester
Course Category Course Hours
Generic and Scientific English 25
English Language – Communication Skills 25
Entrepreneurship – Business Model 25
Total 75
Technological French – Culture and Traditions 25
German/Spanish – Culture and Traditions 25
Arts 25
Sustainable Tourism 25
Staffing & Career Management 25
Marketing and Digital Tourism 50
Digital Technologies in Airline Operation 50
Tourism Products – option I 25
Tourism Products – option II 25
National and International Tourism Itineraries 50
Tourism Events 50
Tourism Projects Management - Implementation and Assessment 50
Total 425
2nd Semester Total 500
Company Training Curricular Internship 500
  • Plan, design and manage products, services and /or destination products
  • Organize, promote and market products, services and destinations, according to the interests and needs of customers
  • Plan, organize, streamline and promote tourist entertainment events and activities
  • Define and implement strategic and operational marketing plans
  • Collaborate in the development of commercial policies for companies working in the tourism sector, ensuring the highest quality and customer satisfaction
  • Develop efficient management procedures for the tourism companies
  • Manage different work groups/teams

Where can you take this course?


Career Opportunities

  • A Tourism Management Specialist is a professional qualified to plan, develop, promote and market products, services and tourist destinations in tourism companies, travel agencies and other organizations that carry out different operations in the tourism sector.

With this training students are granted credit units (ECTS) recognized under the Bologna Process, enabling students to pursue further training in related areas at several Universities and Higher Education Centers
Schools of Turismo de Portugal have established protocols with different national and international higher education institutions.

For more information click here.

At the end of the Programme the student will be given a Diploma of Technological Specialization level 5 in Hospitality Operations Management.

Request and functioning authorization by ordinance n.º 206/2022 de 19 de agosto

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