Formação executiva

Executive Training


National Financial Training Plan

National Financial Training Plan


Turismo de Portugal and the Academy of SMEs of IAPMEI - Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation - organise, in partnership with various entities in the economic environment, training initiatives on financial matters, under the National Financial Training Plan (PNFF).

Recognising the importance of the financial area in the development of profitable and sustainable businesses, these training initiatives aim to transmit to business owners, entrepreneurs and managers of micro and small companies in the Trade, Industry, Services and Tourism sectors, knowledge that can respond to the various stages of growth of their companies.


  • Help raise the population's level of financial knowledge and promote the adoption of appropriate financial behaviour, through an integrated vision of financial training projects and by joining the efforts of stakeholders, contributing to increase the population's welfare and to the stability of the financial system.


  • Business owners, entrepreneurs and managers of micro and small enterprises in the Trade, Industry, Services and Tourism sectors


  • Finance
  • Investment
  • Insurance
  • Business Plan

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