
The Edible Agroforestry - A New Concept For A Sustainable Tourism

To develop a cuisine that represents the identity of Portuguese territory and addresses sustainability concerns, we need to engage kitchen professionals in the context where the main ingredients are grown through a multidisciplinary approach aligned with ecological principles.

These models, which support the 'From Field to Plate' concept, are becoming increasingly popular in projects aimed at differentiation.

There has been a significant demand from kitchen professionals to gain insight into this subject, recognising it as a crucial element for the advancement of their profession. Furthermore, there is a requirement to train gardeners who can provide raw materials that meet the current gastronomic standards.

It is therefore imperative to establish a pedagogical model that facilitates reconnection between these two professions (gardeners and cooks). This model should comprise a robust practical component, integrating the various disciplines.

The evaluation of the physical resources of the Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo do Douro-Lamego and its location in a region with strong cultural roots demonstrates that it has significant potential for developing a pilot project in this field.

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